About Jerboa

A collaborative work open to your needs.

Two laboratories behind Jerboa

Jerboa is the result of a research collaboration started in 2005 between the XLIM Laboratory at the University of Poiters and the MICS Laboratory at CentraleSupélec. The first objective was to develop a topology-based modeling kernel in order to test biological hypotheses regarding the Golgi apparatus [6,7]. It has now evolved toward the realization of a generic modeling tool, easily adaptable to any application context.


Université de Poitiers XLIM-SIC CNRS

XLIM UMR CNRS 7252 has an expertise in the domain of electronics and microwaves, optics and photonics, CAD, mathematics, computer sciences and image processing for the application in secured environments, biotechnology and health, energy control and saving. Inside XLIM, the "Image Synthesis and Analysis" axis (ASALI) investigates the creation of complex, structured objects in arbitrary dimension, modelling and processing of colorimetric and spectral informations in still or animated pictures, and realistic image synthesis relying on procedural models, either statistically- or physically-based. In particular, the Computer Graphics team works on the complex object structure of ASALI is concerned with discrete geometry, lighting simulation, and finally modeling and animating geometric objects which is the domain of Jerboa.

Jerboa contributors: Agnès Arnould, Hakim Belhaouari, Valentin Gauthier


CentraleSupélec MICS

Founded in 2003 at Ecole Centrale Paris, the laboratory of Mathematics in Interaction with Computer Science (MICS) is the research laboratory in mathematics and computer science of CentraleSupélec. Research in the MICS Laboratory is concerned with analyzing, modelling, simulating and optimizing complex systems, whether they come from an industrial environment, biosciences, financial markets, information technology or networks.

Jerboa contributors: Pascale Le Gall, Thomas Bellet

Past contributors: Mathieu Poudret, Le Coroller Wiliam, Petillon Alexandre


Jerboa is a free software under the CeCILL-B license (from CEA CNRS INRIA Logiciel Libre) which constrains the library modifications but not its usage. Therefore, anyone generating a dedicated modeler with Jerboa fully owns this modeler and is free to release it under its own terms. This lcense is adapted to both international and French legal matters, in the spirit of and retaining compatibility with the GNU General Public License (GPL).

CeCILL-B license

Jerboa is still under developpement, as well as its rule language. Our further work will consist in enhancing the language and the software with new possibilities, while still providing a safe theoretical ground. As these possibilities depend on Jerboa's potential applications, we are open to new opportunities to experiment Jerboa on your modeling problems.

Contact us


This website is the official site of Jerboa.


Address: XLIM, UMR CNRS 7252, Bât. SP2MI, Téléport 2, 11 Bd Marie et Pierre Curie, 86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex, France.
Phone: +33 (0)5 49 49 65 67
Email: info@xlim.fr
Publication director: Hakim Belhaouari
Redaction director: Agnès Arnould

Web hosting

Address: XLIM, UMR CNRS 7252, Bât. SP2MI, Téléport 2, 11 Bd Marie et Pierre Curie, 86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex, France.
Contact: info@xlim.fr


Content and realization: Jerboa team
Graphic design: Thomas Bellet
Front-end framework used: Bootstrap and Dcrazed

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