Version française

Contribution to the separation of the color information from the relief information on textured images

Contribution to the separation of the color information from the relief information on textured images

CGIV 2002, First Eurpean Conference on Colour on Graphics, Imaging, and Vision April 2002 University of Poitiers, France - Avril 2002

BibTex references

author = {Khoudeir, M. and Olivier, C. and Ben Slimane, A.},
title = {Contribution to the separation of the color information from the relief information on textured images.},
booktitle = {CGIV 2002},
month = {Avril},
year = {2002},
note = { First Eurpean Conference on Colour on Graphics, Imaging, and Vision April 2002 University of Poitiers, France},