Version française

Combining structural and statistical Features for the Recognition of handwritten Characters

Combining structural and statistical Features for the Recognition of handwritten Characters

Heutte L., Moreau J.v., Paquet T., Lecourtier Y., Olivier C.
13th IEEE-ICPR, Wien (Austria), Volume 2, pages 210-214 - August 1996

BibTex references

author = {Heutte, L. and Moreau, J.v. and Paquet, T. and Lecourtier, Y. and Olivier, C.},
title = {Combining structural and statistical Features for the Recognition of handwritten Characters.},
booktitle = {13th IEEE-ICPR, Wien (Austria)},
volume = {2},
pages = {210-214},
month = {August},
year = {1996},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Soc.},