Poitiers site


Status:Professor / Researcher
Team:COlor Images, movemeNt, rElief and Surfaces
Phone number:+33 (0)5 49 49 74 33
Fax number:+33 (0)5 49 49 65 70
Office number:2/E81
Laboratoire XLIM UMR CNRS 7252
Bât. H1 - SP2MI
11 Bd Marie et Pierre Curie
TSA 41123
86073 Poitiers Cedex 9

GPS : 86360 Futuroscope Chasseneuil

I am Professor at University of Poitiers and in the Computer Graphics team of XLIM Laboratory. My research interests include computer vision, realistic rendering, soft shadows, Grassmann algebra, and Optical propagation simulation.

Research activities


- Computer Graphics, Realistic Rendering, Soft Shadows, Grassmann Algebra, Computer Vision, Radio & Optical Simulation.

Current work

- Development of RaPSor, a software for optical communication simulation.

- Simulation and visualisation of sea-state (PhD D. Algys, with Studio Nyx).

- Computer Vision.

- Visibility application in realistic rendering (PhD of R. Perrot).

Teaching activities


- Licence IT (Computer Science), Master ICT, Master in computer science.


- Network basis in Licence, Distributed Programming in Master, System Programming in C in Licence, Computer Graphics, Calculability and Logic in Master, Python in Master, Parallel algorithms in Master

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